How to rotate the screen on a Windows 10 laptop. Three ways to rotate the screen to its original position

Image upside down? How to flip the screen on a laptop in Windows 10, 8, 7, or computer? You will need 2 minutes of your time, and read this article accordingly).

Hello friends!
In this article I will show you how to flip the screen on a computer or laptop, it makes no difference, the techniques work the same in both).

The other day I reinstalled the software, changed Windows from 7 to 10. The picture on the monitor turned upside down. I had to drop everything I was doing and deal with a forced problem). You have about an hour, I think it will be quicker, it took you a hell of a time to get your friend in order.
I figured it out, I explain what’s what).

Why did the screen on my laptop turn upside down?
There are hundreds of settings on Windows, some of which are frankly unnecessary. I personally also consider this function to be one of those. Maybe you accidentally pressed the wrong buttons on the keyboard, or the system crashed, or the updates weren’t downloaded correctly.
This happens especially often at the Lenovo manufacturer.
In general, your problem is easily solved.
If you want to solve everything by pressing a couple or three buttons, more precisely, you are interested in the question of how to turn the screen on a laptop with a key combination, here they are “Ctrl+Alt+” on Windows 10 it does not work.
Therefore, I show you without hot buttons on your computer and laptop.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop or computer - 2 easy ways

The first way is how to flip the screen back on a laptop.

1. Click on the Windows icon (located in the lower left corner).
2. In the window that opens, select and click “parameters.”

3. Select “System, screen, notifications, images.”

4. It will open on the “screen,” if not, select and click on it.
5. Click “orientation,” set to “landscape.”

That's it, the monitor images should turn over and stand up as they should).
There is a faster way).

Second way
1. Open the desktop.
2. In an empty space, right-click on it, and in the window that opens, click “screen settings.”

3. Select “landscape” and “apply.” Everything is as in the image above.

These simple actions put everything in order.
This concludes the article.
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Bye guys!

There are situations when a user suddenly discovers that the desktop of his PC is turned upside down or at some angle. This happens when the computer owner himself or his household members accidentally activate a function built into the operating system.

It is intended for the convenience of people of certain professions, such as graphic designers and others, who need to view the same picture from different angles simultaneously on several monitors. This feature may also be useful to the average user, so below we describe in detail how to flip the screen on Windows 10.

In earlier versions, flipping the desktop was done almost instantly by pressing Ctrl + Alt + arrows (in which direction the arrow points, this is the position the screen will take). In the latest edition of “tens”, the hotkeys have stopped functioning; now you cannot turn the screen on your computer using the keyboard. Which is sad, but not critical, since there are several other simple ways to achieve what you want.

Rotate in System Settings

The most reasonable way is to refer to the “System Settings”, through which most of the computer’s functions are controlled.

There are two options to open the desired master:

1. Standard - Win + I or “Start” + gear icon, then, “System” section, “Display” subsection.

2. Quick - right-click on the desktop space free of shortcuts and select “Display Settings” from the menu that appears.

After going to the wizard, to set the screen to the desired position, you should:

1. Find the “Display Orientation” tool on the right side of the wizard window, located under the resolution setting.

2. Using the drop-down list, set the value to “Landscape”, which will bring the desktop to its usual appearance.

More reversal options that may come in handy:

1. Landscape inverted - this is exactly the same “upside down” (flip by 180 degrees).

2. Book standard or inverted - sideways positioning (90 degrees to the right or left).

Deploy using video card program

The same settings are available through the graphics card management utilities installed on the PC.

For Nvidia:

  1. Right-click on the desktop to bring up the context menu;
  2. Select the item “Nvidia Control Panel”;
  3. In the utility window that opens, move to the “Display” tab;
  4. Access the “Rotate Display” tool, also selecting the desired orientation from the drop-down list or using the special rotation arrows located nearby;
  5. Apply changes by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of the window.

  1. Call up the same menu, only in it select the ATI Control Center item (or AMD Catalyst Control Center, which is the same thing);
  2. In the left part of the utility that opens, expand the contents of “General display tasks”;
  3. By selecting the appropriate item, go to flip the screen, which is done on the right side of the window.

If there is no item responsible for rotating the desktop, then this is one of the modern modifications of the video card, the developers of which considered it unnecessary to load their product with a function available in the operating system. In this case, you can go to the “Display” tab and use the “Place Display” tool to transfer the utility to the “Screen Settings” wizard discussed at the very beginning of the article.

Rotate using iRotate

If you need to rotate the screen often and preferably in a couple of clicks, then it makes sense to install a small but very convenient iRotate program on your PC in advance. Download from the link -

After downloading and installing using the standard installer, in which you need to agree to everything and accept the license terms, an icon in the form of a blue rotated rectangle will appear on the taskbar (not far from the clock). Clicking on it will open the program’s functional menu with a list of possible screen rotation options and an indication of the current hotkeys for them.

How to fix it if the previous methods did not work

If all the tried steps do not produce results, then you should try updating the drivers of the installed video card, which is done like this:

1. You need to get into the “Device Manager”, for which you should enter this phrase in the “Start” line. You can also open the “Run” window by pressing Win+R and enter the value in its field.

2. Expand the contents of the “Video adapters” section.

3. Right-click on the equipment being used.

4. Start the update by selecting the appropriate item from the menu (usually the top one).

5. From the proposed options, you should select “Automatic search”, where Windows will search for the update both on the PC and on the Internet.

In order for all the changes to become relevant and start working, it is recommended to restart the computer after the update.

I ran into a problem: auto-rotate the screen moves unadapted applications, after which everything freezes, and you have to go to the settings, dodge, it’s inconvenient in general. I couldn’t quickly find an adequate and understandable solution in the Windows interface. Unfortunately, there is no physical button either, so I decided to study the problem and here are several ways:

Five ways to disable auto-rotate screen:

When you open the Charms Bar (Win + I), you will see a screen brightness control, which also has an auto-rotate lock button. The problem is that not all devices support the function, if it doesn’t, move on.

② screen settings, right-click on the screen, uncheck or check.

③ Using the keyboard. If you connect a keyboard to the tablet, then disabling auto-rotation is even easier: press Win+O on the keyboard in the English layout and that’s it. Unfortunately, this method is also not universal, since it does not work on all tablets.

④ We are looking for a physical button on the tablet, it is quite possible that it is hidden.

⑤ The most versatile and definitely suitable for everyone, although a little complex. Disable auto-rotate through the registry. Launch the “Run” application (Win + R) and enter your friends and favorites there regedit


On the right side the parameter Enable, right-click the context menu and select Modify.

Hello everybody. The topic of today's article is “Rotate the screen in Windows 10: hotkeys and a few more simple methods.” Let me explain what this is connected with. The fact is that an interesting story happened to one of my friends. He works a lot, sometimes around the clock, on his laptop. A couple of days ago I also worked at night, got exhausted, put my head on the keyboard to rest and accidentally fell asleep. In the morning he wakes up, and the image on his laptop monitor is upside down. I tried to do something myself, but it didn’t work out. Called me. I suggested to him those miracle buttons that he pressed with his forehead in his sleep. So I decided to tell you, in case it comes in handy.

Button combinations

It's easy to rotate the screen in Windows 10 using hotkeys 90 and 180 degrees. You just need to know what to press:

  • Up Arrow + Alt + Ctrl – this combination will turn the picture upside down.

  • Down arrow + Alt + Ctrl – will help return it to its normal position after the flip.

  • Left/right arrows + Ctrl + Alt – rotate the image 90 degrees in the corresponding direction.

Friends, you will agree that expanding your workspace is very entertaining, but it is not always necessary. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into an awkward situation like my friend, I recommend disabling screen rotation in Windows 10 using hot keys:

  • At any point on the table you need to make one click on the mouse button on the right.
  • Hover your cursor over Graphics Options.
  • Then on "Keyboard shortcuts".
  • Select "Turn off".

Other options

Pressing three buttons is certainly the fastest and easiest way to expand a picture, but at least for general development, it doesn’t hurt to know other options.

Control Panel and Desktop

You can achieve the desired turn through the “Control Panel”:

  • Expand the section “All PU elements”
  • Then go to the “Screen” directory and go to the “Screen extension” item

You can get to the same place in two clicks on the desktop:

  • The first is the right mouse button.
  • The second is to select the desired “Screen extension” item.

  • Next, in the “Orientation” section, set the required parameter.

Video card

Friends, if you are one of those who do not look for easy ways, then you will definitely like the following method. I suggest you try to achieve screen rotation in Windows 10 not using hotkeys, but through AMD Radeon or nVidia, more precisely, through setting the video card driver (this may require installing the ATI CATALYST Control Center customizer).

  • Right-click anywhere in the free space.
  • Go to the "Graphics Properties" section.

  • Expand the “General display tasks” menu.
  • Select the “Rotate desktop” task.
  • Select the required spread from the proposed options.

  • Make a right-click on the workspace.
  • Go to Nvidia Control Panel.
  • On the left side, select the “Rotate screen” task.
  • Mark the desired orientation with a dot.


Friends, smart people have long written special programs for any purpose. Rotating the image on the monitor was also no exception. If you don’t want to bother, then just install the iRotate utility on your PC. It's very easy to use:

  • Launch with two clicks on the program shortcut.
  • Select the appropriate rotation option from four possible ones.

I'll finish with this. Friends, write to me about those ridiculous accidents that happened to you and your computer, as a result of which you had to search the Internet for the right solution. Your story could be the topic of the next discussion. Bye everyone.

In Windows 10, as in previous versions of the operating system, there is the ability to rotate the screen. To use it, you don’t have to download third-party programs, since the function is built in from the start.

Why rotate the screen

It is impossible to rotate by an arbitrary number of degrees, since the whole picture would float and a huge number of problems would arise. But you can turn the screen 180 degrees or 90 clockwise or counterclockwise, since this only changes the orientation, but not the location of the pixels relative to each other.

Standard laptop screens are, of course, always positioned so that they are easy to use without manually rotating the screen. But sometimes there are third-party monitors that are not extended outward, but upward. They are usually used as a second monitor to display additional information. Using landscape orientation on such extensions is not very convenient - rotating the screen 90 degrees helps.

Rotation can also help when a picture from a laptop is projected onto the board. The result may be incorrect, turned 180 degrees. This happens because the projector is not configured correctly. But if you can’t quickly reconfigure it, you can rotate the screen 180 degrees, thereby positioning the displayed image correctly.

But in most cases, you have to rotate the screen after accidentally pressing hot keys.

Many users are faced with the fact that they accidentally used the screen rotation function, and after that they do not know how to return the picture to its original position.

We are carrying out a coup

In Windows 10, there are several ways to perform rotation: using a key combination or system settings. No matter which method you choose, the result will be the same. When you want to return the screen to its original position, use the same method, but rotate it in the opposite direction.

Using a combination

While holding Ctrl + Alt on the keyboard, click on any arrow located on the right side of the keyboard. Pressing three keys simultaneously will rotate the screen. For example, Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow will cause a 180 degree rotation. The direction of the arrow you choose indicates the direction in which the picture is rotated.

To rotate the Windows 10 screen, press Ctrl + Alt + arrow

Using settings (for newer versions of Windows)

  1. Using the system search bar, find the “Settings” utility by entering its name. Open computer settings
  2. Expand the “System” block.
    Open the “System” section
  3. In the first sub-item “Display”, indicate the orientation that suits you, thereby selecting the angle of rotation of the screen. Before saving the new settings, the system will ask you if you like the result. If you confirm the action, the screen will remain in the set position; if you refuse, the standard value will return.
    Selecting the desired orientation

Using a video card program

Major graphics card manufacturers such as NVidia and Gigabyte provide users with special programs that allow them to customize their graphics card. Typically, if the manufacturer has an application, they install it when the system first starts. But if you don’t find the utility in your computer’s memory (you should look in the control panel), then go to the company’s official website and look for information about the program there.

Using an application from the video card manufacturer, you can rotate the screen. All applications look almost the same, so let’s look at the sequence of steps using NVidia as an example:

Using a universal program

If the manufacturer of your video card did not take care of the presence of an assistant program, then use the universal third-party application iRotate. It is free, and you can download it from the developer’s official website -

After going through the standard installation procedure, you will see a new icon on the left side of the Quick Access Toolbar. You may have to click on the arrow to find it, which opens a full list of icons. By right-clicking on the iRotate icon, select one of four rotation options. Done, the picture will change its location relative to you.

Selecting the tilt angle in iRotate

Video: how to rotate the Windows 10 screen

It is rarely necessary to turn the screen over on purpose, but sometimes it is necessary to return it to its original state after an accidental rotation. There are several ways to rotate the picture without rotating the monitor: through keyboard buttons, system settings, programs from video card manufacturers, or a universal application.