Useful programs for Windows 7.

Each operating system has its own advantages and disadvantages, weighing them, you have to make a choice in favor of one system or another. There are many programs for each OS and many more are being developed. Although Windows 7 can be said to be morally outdated, since after its release Windows 8 had already appeared on sale and Windows 10 is being prepared for its imminent release.

With the release of new versions of operating systems, improved versions of old useful programs appear or completely new software is developed - this has happened since the advent of Windows 7. To work comfortably in the operating system, you need various applications and programs, the so-called software for Windows 7 For example, programs for downloading files from the Internet, for cleaning the system, antiviruses, browsers, media players and other useful programs will be useful.


Tweak-7 is a system cleaning program. The utility works with various system settings, the registry and the startup list. Also, using the program you can configure Internet connections, browser and mail.

Without manually configuring the system, you can trust the program and perform the automatic configuration function of Windows 7. Tweak-7 generally optimizes operation and speeds up system performance. Additionally, several useful tools are integrated into the tweaker, for example, a defragmenter and a hard drive cleaner.

Start Menu X

Start Menu X was previously known as Start Menu 7, but the name changed with the release of Windows 8. The program is designed to optimize Windows systems, in particular Windows 7. The utility is specially developed as a convenient replacement for the standard Start menu in Windows.

Start Menu X lets you create, edit, and move menu items, which opens up many possibilities, such as creating a list of frequently used folders so you can open them quickly. The utility differs from similar ones in its unique flexibility in configuration, which allows you to create a menu to your liking.

Windows 7 Manager

Windows 7 Manager is another program for optimizing Windows 7. The program's functionality includes the ability to configure Internet connections, clean up the hard drive and work with the registry, as well as a large number of functions, tools and settings for various system parameters.

Using Windows 7 Manager, you can increase the speed of booting or shutting down your computer and improve the performance of your computer as a whole. The utility also provides detailed information about the system and hardware of the computer.

Download Master

Download Master is a very convenient and beautiful download manager. The program quite effectively solves the tasks assigned to it - download speed, continuation of interrupted downloads and management of downloaded files.

Download Master integrates tightly with browsers, allowing it to replace standard download tools with itself. The program has a scheduled download function, can download files from ftp servers and supports the installation of plugins to expand its functionality.

STDU Viewer

The free STDU Viewer program is a simple and convenient tool for viewing electronic documents, text files and images. The program allows you to work simultaneously with several documents that open in separate tabs.

The functionality of STDU Viewer has added the ability to adjust the brightness and contrast of a document, search for documents, convert electronic documents into graphic formats, and many others.


7-Zip is a free archiver that differs from others in its high compression ratio. The program has a wide range of capabilities, high speed of archiving files, the ability to create self-extracting archives and the ability to protect archives with a password and encryption.

The archiver is integrated into Windows Explorer, which adds convenience to working with the program. 7-Zip supports popular archive formats and at the same time works with its own format.

Windows 7 Codec Pack

Windows 7 Codec Pack is a set of necessary codecs for correct playback of multimedia files. The set consists of the most popular codecs, utilities, filters, plugins and other tools.

Still, I finally decided to write this long-awaited article by many readers. As you understand from its name, we will talk below about the best free computer programs, without which I personally cannot imagine my digital life, which have been installed on all my computers for many years and which have never let me down.

There will be few pictures and a lot of different links, but I hope that all of them will be useful to you, so, as they say, don’t switch...

I want to say right away that absolutely all programs described on the website(there are hundreds of them) I like them and I tested (tested) them all personally - this is the main principle of the site.

Health when working at a computer

I'm giving away first place for free computer program f.lux, which helps me maintain my vision for many years when working at the monitor during long evenings and nights. I can’t even imagine what would have happened to my eyes without her help. It eliminates the welding effect from the night screen - it automatically adjusts the color temperature of the monitor (not to be confused with brightness).

This indispensable program works wonderfully in all versions of the operating system, up to Windows 10.

There are also excellent alternatives - also free programs SunsetScreen and (the second one is generally a “bomb”).

You will find several more and no less useful computer programs for maintaining health when working at a computer in the corresponding section of the site "Health and computer"- I kindly ask you to pay attention to them.

Computer security

Virus security now provides my computer completely free antivirus 360 Total Security, which is equipped with five (!) protection algorithms. In addition, it has an excellent digital garbage cleaner and a system optimizer built into it - an original solution from the manufacturers, I should note.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that with proper fine-tuning, any antivirus can become the best for you. For example, for a long time I used the paid ESET Nod32 and the free Avast! Free Antivirus - both of them saved me many times from the invasion of malware.

I can’t keep silent about the free anti-virus scanner Dr.Web CureIt, which I used to bring hundreds of my friends’ and acquaintances’ computers back to life.

I advise you not to forget and about a good firewall(firewall) - it also plays a huge role in ensuring the security of your operating system.

You will find descriptions of other free and effective means of protecting your computer from viruses in the “Security” section of the site.

Programs to speed up your computer

There will be several winners in this category...

Let's start by speeding up the computer startup. Here my leader will be AnVir Task Manager - a powerful manager of tasks, processes, startup, services, a detector and destroyer of viruses, as well as spyware. It was thanks to this magical program (and a couple more tricks) that I was able to speed up computer startup in up to 9.2 seconds- this is my personal record at this point in time (with Windows 7).

There is a section on the site in which I came across many useful articles on this topic.

How can a computer speed up without periodically cleaning it from digital garbage (logs, “tails” of once deleted programs, etc.). Here my reliable and trusted assistant is the legendary “cleaner” CCleaner. This is the longest-running program on my computers - I’ve been using it since the very beginning of my computer life.

Besides her there is a whole bunch of great “cleaners”, but CCleaner is my favorite.

After cleaning the system, let's optimize its operation - I consider the Advanced SystemCare program to be the leader in this matter. This is a whole combine that has collected a bunch of useful tweaks and utilities under its roof.

A very convenient and understandable program. It can fully automatically optimize the operation of your computer. There is also a manual mode - you yourself specify what and where to improve in the system.

Described on the site and other great optimizers, for example ToolWiz Care.

I continue to list the best free computer programs that I have been using for many years...

Programs for convenient computer work

There are also a couple of leaders in the nomination...

The most amazing free computer program that has incredibly speeded up and improved my computer work is StrokesPlus. It allows you to control your computer with mouse gestures.

It’s just a magical free program, I’ll tell you - it monstrously optimizes interaction with Windows Explorer. I can’t imagine my computer life without it.

There is an alternative to this program - gMote, but I like the first one much more.

I consider Clover to be the second best free program that greatly improves the convenience of working on a computer. It adds tab functionality to Windows Explorer (think browsers). As in the previous case, this greatly increases the speed of folder navigation.

This program works great in Windows 7, but the top ten has a number of questions about it - a similar (but not so simple) utility called QTTabBar helped me out. With its help, I implemented tabs at the bottom of the window and enjoy the convenience.

My favorite browser

I can clearly feel how tense many readers are and are already flexing their fingers. to start the holivar on this topic in the comments to the article. Therefore, I emphasize - PERSONALLY MY FAVORITE BROWSER is Mozilla Firefox.

I’ve been using Google Chrome for a couple of years, I really liked a version of Opera called Vivaldi..., but Fire Fox personally suits me best for its flexibility, functionality and the presence of add-ons for all occasions. In terms of speed, all browsers today are like rockets.

Whatever Internet browser you use, do not forget about best ad cutter. It will save your nerve cells, speed up surfing the web and protect you from clicking on fake links.

Program for automatic driver installation

It is no secret that the fast and high-quality operation of all computer components depends on the availability of up-to-date drivers in the system.

The most convenient, simple, safe and high-quality free computer program that will automatically scan your system at lightning speed, find the best driver versions suitable for your long-suffering computer and update them is Snappy Driver Installer (SDI).

Good day, blog readers.

Every computer user has a standard set of applications that he uses constantly. For some it is 15 utilities, for others it is 50 - it all depends on the tasks assigned to the client. In the article below, I will present the most necessary programs for a Windows 10 computer, of course, based on personal experience. It’s worth saying right away that the listed solutions are not suitable for everyone, because someone may use analogues or the proposed functionality is simply not needed.

The first application that you need to install on your computer is an antivirus. And one of the most effective today is considered Comodo Internet Security , AVG AntiVirus Free , Dr Web Cureit or Emsisoft Internet Security. The program is able to find and neutralize all currently known malware.

The application can download for free. To ensure complete security, there are two high-quality kernels and three levels of protection.

EIS constantly monitors the operation of programs on the device, analyzes their behavior, and looks for the presence of malicious components.

There is a built-in firewall function that will help protect against attacks while connected to the network, including the Internet.

In addition, it must be said that the application does not provide for constant updating of signatures, which is usually annoying in such solutions. At the same time, the project requires significantly less RAM to run.

Total Commander( )

The most famous file manager. There are a lot of useful functions here, each of which will make working on the computer much easier. For example, users have access to elements that allow them to view pictures, archive and unpack data, and quickly transfer, copy or delete files. In addition, there is the possibility of encoding and cutting of volumetric data.

AIDA64( )

A convenient program for the tenth version of Windows, which shows users all the necessary information regarding everything that happens with the PC. For example, anyone can find out the status of the operating system, connected devices, and much more.

At the same time, the application is considered one of the best for optimizing the operation of the operating system. Here you can find everything you need to check the functionality and performance of the unit.

It is important to note that the free program interacts with a large number of devices - more than 140. It is able to monitor the temperature of components connected to the system, the rotation speed of coolers, the operation of the processor, motherboard and much more.

PROMT Professional 11( )

The utility is considered one of the best translators today. It is simply irreplaceable if you constantly encounter foreign languages. The application developers guarantee high-quality translation, regardless of the complexity of the text. The desired result can always be achieved thanks to a constantly updated database and the use of modern technologies. To work, you only need to install it on your computer, and you can use it right away, regardless of other factors.

Glary Utilities 5( )

A software product that consists of many tools designed to clean your PC of excess junk. For example, users will be able to finally say goodbye to deleted documents, irrelevant entries in the system registry, and much more. The application makes it possible to customize the browser, find and delete identical files, efficiently defragment disks, archive data, check and restore system files.

The application first appeared on the market a long time ago. Over the entire period of its existence, the developers have received a lot of awards of world significance and only positive reviews regarding their brainchild.

Adobe Flash Player( )

This plugin must be installed on all computers. And if it's not there yet, it's time to go to official site or torrent tracker. It allows you to watch videos in the best quality, create applications, presentations and much more. Most importantly, the program is simply necessary for games that can only be played via the Internet.

Usually the application is installed first after a clean installation of the operating system. This player is used on many resources as the main one for playing videos. It is especially in demand in the field of advertising and entertainment.

Interesting to know! The developers claim that installing their product will help resolve many problems associated with Skype.

Standard Codes( )

An excellent set of codecs for video playback. A small addition is directly integrated into Windows 10 - this allows you to optimize the system as much as possible.

The pack contains all the necessary tools for playing not only video available on your computer, but also from the Internet. In this case, it is possible to change installed components or update them.

Great for supporting streaming in any browser.

It's worth noting that there are no tools that are used separately to play audio files.

The utility can be safely called necessary, since today there are many different file formats. And without certain add-ons, not everyone will be able to run them.

J. Rover Media Center( )

The application is a real multimedia center, capable of working with DVDs, playing *.mp3, converting CDs into the format required for the computer. In addition, the program will even help you re-record magnetic tape cassettes and records onto your hard drive.

The utility will delight you with a lot of convenient elements. For example, there is a good file organizer, editor, and equalizer here. There is also an automatic recording and playback function. It even has remote control technology.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying( )

The program is considered the best today in the matter of identifying and removing spyware. It is capable of opening all possible Microsoft reports. In addition, the utility does a great job of dealing with all services that have already collected personal information or any statistics about you.

The project also allows you to turn off some unused applications in Windows 10. And most importantly, with the help of it you can say goodbye to advertising in Skype.

DWS works on systems with any bit depth - both 32 and 64 bits. Anyone can understand the controls – the utility has an intuitive interface.

The Bat( )

Convenient and popular email application. It has the simplest and at the same time functional interface, allowing you to do everything possible with your mail.

Compared with other similar services, this one stands out due to its mass of additional settings and constant updates.

It is worth noting support for seventeen languages ​​at once - Russian is also provided. That is why the program is so widely popular all over the world.

There are email sorting tools, including protection against spam and malicious messages.

Google Chrome( )

One of the most popular browsers in the world today. It is highly optimized to work on any device. True, some users complain about the use of a large amount of free RAM.

It is worth noting the convenient management of bookmarks and all saved passwords. It is enough to install the same program on a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone, and enter your user data.

As a result, you will have all the necessary information on all devices simultaneously. This is especially convenient when users move around a lot and do not always have access to a PC.

ACD See( )

A convenient program for opening and easily processing pictures. Supports interaction with a wide variety of formats. In this case, the resolution can be any.

Anyone can view the photo, crop it, and resize it if necessary. In addition, there are a lot of filters that allow you to process images in various ways, including creating a negative, a painting, etc.

Well, I hope this review will help you decide what exactly to install on your computer. From personal experience I can say this - it is better to post only what you will definitely use. For example, if there was a need to play video, we installed a player. Otherwise, applications will appear on the computer that will simply clog the hard drive, which does not have a very good effect on the operation of the device.