Why the TV does not see the laptop via HDMI and how to solve the problem. Why HDMI does not work on a laptop Sound

Connecting a computer or laptop to a TV can occur in different ways:

  1. VGA or D-Sud cable. Almost all monitors, PCs and TVs have such a connector. This is an analog connection, which does not best convey all the nuances of video files.
  2. DVI. A more modern option. Can work with analog and digital devices. Has its own subclasses.
  3. S-Video. In addition, you will have to purchase an adapter.
  4. RCA or tulips. Connecting a laptop and TV using this method is rare.
  5. Scart. A popular method, since such a connector is found in modern TV models.
  6. HDMI cable. A good option for connecting a computer.

Common Causes of Connection Failure

If the TV does not see the laptop, but the connection is complete, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. The cable is not connected correctly or is defective.
  2. Monitor settings error.
  3. Incorrect operation of the laptop or PC video card.
  4. The settings on the TV itself or any other brand are not configured.

Let's look in more detail at why the TV does not see HDMI and the second device through it.

Equipment testing steps

  1. First of all, you need to check the quality of the wire connections and the condition of the connectors.
  2. Next, you need to check that the computer settings are correct.
  3. Then it checks for driver updates and video card settings.
  4. Run an antivirus program to scan for malware.
  5. Checking the port. It is recommended to connect to another device.

Cable check

If the TV connected to the PC suddenly stops working, and until that moment everything was set up properly, it means that the cable has come loose or has been broken. The first option is more common, since you can hook the adapter simply by passing by. But the second one is less common, since the optimal length of the HDMI cable is not so long as to lie on the floor and get under someone’s heavy foot.

TV settings

When the TV does not see the laptop via HDMI immediately after connecting the equipment, most likely it is incorrect to select the signal source on the TV itself.

If there is no signal from the computer, then on the TV remote you should find the “input”, “source” or “Imput” button; it may be written “HDMI” right away on the LG TV. Go to the window that opens and there, in the list of active inputs, select the one you need. Confirm the action by clicking on “OK”.

If the equipment still does not connect after the operations performed, we carry out further diagnostics.

Monitor settings

Having made sure that the signal from the TV is going along the right path, we move on to diagnosing the laptop or PC screen, or rather, to the settings. They can be carried out by any user with basic knowledge of their computer:

  1. Hover your mouse over any free space on the screen and click on the right button.
  2. In the list that appears, select “Screen resolution” or “Graphics characteristics” depending on the type of OS.
  3. Select the appropriate option for displaying the picture on TV. The device passport specifies the acceptable resolution, stick to it.

It's easier to do everything on a laptop. Press and hold the “Fm” and F4 buttons simultaneously until the optimal option is selected. After this, the laptop will connect to the TV correctly and the error that there is no image will go away.

Video card error

Another reason why the connection of devices does not work is the incorrect functioning of the PC video card. In this case, the laptop does not see the other device or does not display an image on it.

To fix this, you need to try installing new drivers that are available on the global network for each device model. Sometimes a complete reinstallation or replacement of an element may be necessary.

The HDMI connector has become increasingly popular in recent years because, unlike other ports, it has the ability to transmit audio. Absolutely all laptops are equipped with such a connector, thanks to it you can easily connect to a TV and display images on a large screen. Let's look at what you can do if HDMI on your laptop doesn't work, depending on the situation.

What should you do first?

First, you need to determine what caused the problem, since how to solve it may vary depending on the situation.

A common phenomenon is that HDMI does not work on a Windows laptop, that is, after the connection has been made, you only see an empty desktop on the screen. Here the problem lies not in the connector or cable. The fact is that the TV here acts as an extension of the laptop screen, i.e. it becomes an additional desktop area. To see the window in this situation, it will be enough to simply move it left or right.

This is not enough for correct operation, so you need to switch the display to full desktop duplication mode. To do this, proceed as follows:

If the HDMI output on your laptop does not work, this method will help fix the problem.

The laptop sees the connection, but there is no image on the TV display. First of all, you need to check the connection. The wire should sit firmly; carefully inspect it for damage and kinks. If they are present, the cable will have to be replaced.

If everything is absolutely fine with the cable, there is no damage, then you need to check whether the correct socket was selected. Often TVs have several ports at the same time, but signal reception in the settings is set to only one port.

Everything is fine with the picture, but there is no sound. In this situation, your task is to route the audio signal correctly. To do this, do the following:

If HDMI on your laptop stops working, and all of the above steps did not help, then you should check whether the port itself is in working condition. Sometimes they burn out - naturally, you will have to take the laptop to a service center. To avoid this problem, be sure to disconnect the cable cable and satellite dish from the TV before connecting. If the outlet that supplies power is not grounded, disconnect power from all devices before connecting.

It is worth noting that troubles of this kind can appear both with the TV port and with the laptop connector. To find out exactly where the problem lies, connect another gadget using HDMI. If problems are found with one of the devices, it is best to seek help from professionals.

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HDMI ports are used in almost all modern technology - laptops, TVs, tablets, on-board computers in cars and even some smartphones. These ports have advantages over many similar connectors (DVI, VGA) - HDMI is capable of transmitting audio and video simultaneously, supports high-quality transmission, is more stable, etc. However, he is not immune to various problems.

HDMI ports come in different types and versions, each of which requires a suitable cable. For example, you won't be able to connect a standard-sized cable to a device that uses a Type C port (the smallest HDMI port). You will also have difficulty connecting ports with different versions, plus you need to select the appropriate cable for each version. Fortunately, with this point everything is a little simpler, because... some versions provide good compatibility with each other. For example, versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.4a, 1.4b are fully compatible with each other.

Before connecting, you need to check the ports and cables for various defects - broken contacts, debris and dust in the connectors, cracks, bare areas on the cable, flimsy fastening of the port to the device. You can get rid of some defects quite easily; to eliminate others, you will have to take the equipment to a service center or change the cable. Problems such as exposed wires can be hazardous to the owner's health and safety.

If the versions and types of connectors match each other and the cable, you need to determine the type of problem and solve it in an appropriate way.

Problem 1: Image does not appear on TV

When connecting a computer and TV, the image may not always be displayed immediately; sometimes you need to make some adjustments. The problem may also be with the TV, computer infection with viruses, or outdated video card drivers.

Let's look at the instructions for making standard screen settings for a laptop and computer, which will allow you to configure image output on TV:

Setting up the display does not always guarantee that everything will work 100%, because... The problem may lie in other components of the computer or in the TV itself.

Problem 2: no sound is transmitted

HDMI integrates ARC technology, which allows you to transmit audio along with video content to a TV or monitor. Unfortunately, the sound does not always begin to be transmitted immediately, since to connect it you need to make some settings in the operating system and update the sound card drivers.

The first versions of HDMI did not have built-in support for ARC technology, so if you have an outdated cable and/or connector, then to connect audio you will have to either replace ports/cables or purchase a special headset. Support for audio transmission was first added in HDMI version 1.2. And cables released before 2010 have problems with sound reproduction, that is, it may be broadcast, but its quality leaves much to be desired.

Problems connecting a laptop to another device via HDMI occur frequently, but many of them are easy to solve. If they cannot be resolved, then most likely you will have to change or repair the ports and/or cables, since there is a high risk that they are damaged.

Synchronizing your TV and computer can significantly expand the functionality of your equipment. The user will be able to play video games on the big screen, watch movies, TV series and TV shows. There are several connection methods, but HDMI remains the priority option. In some situations, the computer does not see the TV through HDMI. What is causing this problem? There are several options. Now we will look at each of them, and also provide useful recommendations for restoring the connection.

The abbreviation HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. This is a modern connector that simultaneously transmits audio and video. Almost all equipment is equipped with this interface. “Tulip” and other cables that were popular in the past are designed to transmit an analog signal. The HDMI cable broadcasts digital content with Full HD or 4K resolution (depending on version).

Therefore, if you need to connect a computer to the TV screen, then it is best to use this interface. The connector ensures data transmission in the highest quality and with minimal latency. Unlike other wires, HDMI simultaneously transmits sound and video to the TV.

The HDMI interface was introduced back in 2002. Since that time, developers have released many different modifications. They gradually increase the capacity of the cord. The developers try to timely add support for popular formats and many other useful features.

HDMI versions older than 1.4 support Internet signal transmission, 3D and 4K resolution. An Internet connection via HDMI differs from wireless Wi-Fi technology in increased data transfer speeds, as well as a more stable and reliable signal. The most popular HDMI form factors are:

  • type A – classic version;
  • type C – mini HDMI;
  • Type D – micro HDMI.

The last two types are designed to connect mobile phones, cameras and other portable devices. What causes wire breakdowns? Mostly short circuits and mechanical damage.

Causes of problems and their elimination

Why can't my computer or laptop see the TV? There are several reasons. Let's list the most popular:

  • equipment is connected incorrectly;
  • HDMI cable is damaged;
  • the interface on the PC, laptop or TV is faulty;
  • problems with video card drivers;
  • incorrect monitor settings;
  • The settings on the TV are incorrect;
  • The GPU processor of your computer or laptop has failed.

Now we will study in detail why connecting a computer to a TV does not work. Main stages of equipment diagnostics:

  1. Assessing the correctness of the connection diagram and visually inspecting the integrity of the wires.
  2. Checking your computer and TV settings.
  3. Testing the computer operating system for viruses.
  4. Diagnostics of port performance by connecting to other devices.
  5. Checking for updates for the video card driver.

Now let's take a closer look at why the TV doesn't find a PC or laptop. We will offer useful troubleshooting tips.

Broken cable

In situations where the image was broadcast correctly from a laptop connected to the TV, and then the synchronization stopped, you need to start by checking the integrity of the cable. The plug may have come loose or the wire may have been broken. Mostly problems arise precisely because the plug comes off. This could even happen due to the fact that the user simply passed by. Mechanical damage to the cord is less common. Cables come in different lengths. Therefore, users have the opportunity to choose the best option for themselves. This eliminates interruptions.

If the laptop is connected to the TV and there is still no picture, then first check that the plugs are inserted correctly into the connectors. If the TV does not see from the TV, try a different cord. It cannot be ruled out that connection failures occurred as a result of wire damage.

TV is not configured

Some TV models do not have an option to automatically detect the signal source. Especially if you have previously configured TV synchronization with other devices. In situations where, when connected via HDMI, the TV does not see the laptop or computer, take the remote control, and then select the list of available signal sources. From the proposed list you need to select “HDMI”.

If the signal detection when connecting the cable did not occur automatically, then you need to do all the work manually. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

Many modern TV remote controls have a button "HDMI". This means that you can ignore the second point of this instruction. Just press this key. As a result, a switch to this signal source will occur. Pre-select the desired port. How to do this is described in the third and fourth paragraphs of the instructions.

If any difficulties arise in the process of selecting a signal source, carefully study the instructions that came with the TV. It describes in detail the process of connecting additional devices using the HDMI connector.

Incorrect monitor settings

If there are no problems with signal transmission, then you need to diagnose the settings of your laptop or computer. Very often, the computer does not see the TV via HDMI precisely because of incorrect system parameters. No special knowledge is required for this. You just need to follow these simple instructions:

  1. Hover your mouse over an empty space on the screen, and then right-click.
  2. In the context menu that appears, select "Screen resolution". Sometimes this point is called "Graphic characteristics". It all depends on the version of the operating system.
  3. Choose the best way to display the image on your big TV screen. Stick to the resolution specified in the TV specifications.

The settings panel is much easier to turn on on a laptop. Press the key combination Fn+F4. Hold this combination until the optimal resolution is automatically determined. As soon as the laptop or PC goes into sleep mode, the image will go out. Therefore, it is better to disable automatic sleep in order to establish an uninterrupted connection with the TV.

Video card problem

A broken video card is another common reason why the TV can no longer see a laptop or PC. An inscription appeared on the screen « » , what to do in such situations? To fix the problem, you need to update the drivers. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult. You can download the update package from the official website of the GPU processor manufacturer.

You need to start by studying the technical parameters of the video card. The fact is that not all graphics modules support the option of displaying images on multiple monitors. You can familiarize yourself with such characteristics in the documentation that comes with the video card. If all documents have been lost, then you can use special software.

To update GPU adapter drivers, follow the step-by-step instructions:

As noted earlier, drivers can also be downloaded yourself. You should not download files from unverified sources. Download updates exclusively from the official portal of the video card manufacturer. Installation is carried out through an automated installer. Therefore, there should be no problems.

Connection port not working

Absolutely all connectors are subject to mechanical damage and short circuits, as a result of which the contacts burn out. Therefore, carelessness by the user or a sudden surge in voltage can also lead to the computer not seeing the TV. Experienced specialists strongly advise connecting the HDMI cable only if all equipment is de-energized.

Over time, the HDMI output pad on your computer oxidizes. Because of this, the device does not detect the connection. Contact a service center to have qualified engineers resolder the damaged contacts, thereby restoring the functionality of the connector.

In some situations, connection problems arise due to the fact that the video card is not equipped with an additional power supply. Therefore no synchronization takes place. It will be extremely difficult for an ordinary user to check the functionality of the connection. It is extremely important to first analyze the features of the graphics adapter.

Viruses on your computer

Sometimes the laptop does not see the TV via HDMI due to the presence of viruses or malware on the laptop. This problem occurs extremely rarely, but this cause cannot be completely ruled out.

To increase the level of security of your PC or laptop, download an antivirus. There is absolutely no need to buy a license. At first, you can get by with the free version, which is valid for a limited time - on average about 30 days. As an example, let's look at the process of launching a scan using Kaspersky Anti-Virus:

  1. Activate the program, and then run the scan command by clicking on the corresponding icon.
  2. Select scan type – "Full check", and then click on the button "Run scan".
  3. A comprehensive scan of the operating system for viruses can last about 2-3 hours. If the antivirus finds malicious applications or infected files, this will be written about in the scan report.

Difficulties in the process of setting up a connection between a PC and a TV via HDMI arise extremely rarely, but if problems arise, they can be solved with your own efforts. The exception is if the ports fail. It will not be possible to replace the HDMI interface or re-solder the pad without professional equipment.
